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The most affordable and widely used roofing material is asphalt tiles, but other materials, including wood, metal, and slate, last longer and provide higher insulation and durability. Glass solar shingles, which can generate electricity, are another alternative for sustainability. The most sustainable option and absolutely THE LEAST EXPENSIVE is to rejuvenate the existing shingles to extend the life for 5 yrs or more with additional treatments. See how we can restore your roof by either going to our Roof Restore page or giving us a call!

You might be wondering if the roof warranty is transferred to the new owner during a property sale. The ability to transfer an existing warranty when purchasing or selling a house can be a strong selling feature. One of your major assets is protected by the roof, which is why having a warranty in some situations can save costly repairs running into the thousands of dollars. In general, roofing warranties do pass to the new owner; but, if you're a potential buyer, there are many other things you should be aware of. The existence of a warranty by the seller does not automatically entitle the customer to protection. Not all roof warranties provide the same coverage, some don't transfer, and some might not even exist.

Purchasing a new house? Follow these instructions to confirm and validate the actual coverage that will be provided with the home:

1. Determine precisely what the warranty covers.

Certain warranties only pay for the products or shingles themselves, leaving you responsible for the labor and removal charges. Verify the warranty to verify if it includes product, failure, and workmanship coverage. Some say lifetime but become pirated after only a few short years.

2. Recognize that not every roofer can genuinely provide premium warranties.

Despite the roofer's claims, premium manufacturers like Owens Corning require extensive training and certification before a roofing contractor can provide their clients a warranty that includes both product and workmanship. In order to provide our customers with the finest warranties and the greatest level of protection, DreamHome undergoes thorough training every year to maintain the highest level of manufacturer certification.

3. Make sure the roofer registered the warranty so it may be transferred.

Any warranty must be registered and purchased on behalf of the homeowner in order to be effective. After the roof is built, the roofer has time to finish the registration with the manufacturer. The warranty will not be transferred to the buyer if this step is skipped.

4. Verify again how many times the warranty can be transferred and whether it can

Manufacturers may have restrictions on transferring warranties to new homeowners. Some only permit a single transfer, while others permit many transfers of the roof warranty.

5. Inform the transfer's maker (if required)

You might learn from your investigation that the manufacturer mandates notification of the transfer of the roof warranty within a specific window of time following the sale, and might even charge an administrative fee to execute the paperwork. Don't overlook this final step to prevent any unpleasant surprises in the future in the event of a roof product or workmanship failure.

The majority of individuals don't consider a warranty unless there is an issue. The same is true for simple household devices and appliances, as well as for elaborate and pricey roofing systems. Depending on the roofer, the contractor will decide the length of the labor warranty and its value after the roof has been built. If a defect in the craftsmanship causes your roof to malfunction while the warranty is still in effect, you may not be entitled to advantages like discounted or even free repairs. Extended warranties are occasionally offered if you are using a preferred contractor. Often these warranties are backed by the manufacturer and if you choose a company like DreamHome you are covered even if the issue is workmanship related. Some manufacturers come out and do their own third party inspection of the finished job as well. All of this points to the fact that warranties can delay the deterioration or damage to your roof, and even if it occurs, you can still simply restore it or rejuvenate it with RoofMaxx from DreamHome (see our Roof Restore page or give us a call for more information). Overall, roof warranties are unquestionably worth the additional expense, particularly if you choose an expensive roof. If and when it malfunctions, you'll want some sort of assurance that the manufacturer and/or the contractor will uphold in order to preserve your investment.

The most economical and popular alternative for roofing is asphalt shingles. However, there is a misunderstanding that they could be poisonous. We're here to dispel that rumor. Despite its appearance, asphalt is not a hazardous chemical and only emits poisonous gases when heated to extreme temperatures.

How about Hot asphalt?

A very small number of roofing procedures demand the use of hot asphalt and it is rarely ever done on a residential property. Any adverse impacts would only occur if you were there while the roof was being installed. The most modest symptoms you could have are a headache or nausea. Within a few days, these symptoms would go away.

What About Rainwater Gathering?

When collecting rainwater, you should exercise prudence. Remember that drinking rainwater is not recommended. Grey water, or rainwater, is generally utilized for home tasks like watering plants. If you do plan to use the rainwater you collect off your asphalt roof, it has to be filtered just like any other rainwater would.

Are Asphalt Shingles Harmful to The Environment?

Environment-wise, asphalt shingles are not harmful. In fact, they can be recycled! When asphalt shingles are removed, the roads are repaired. At DreamHome, you have a choice of four distinct types of asphalt tiles: dimensional, organic, fiberglass, and 3-tab.

At DreamHome, we put your safety first, and we can vouch for the fact that using asphalt shingles is safe and a fantastic choice. There's a good reason why it's the most popular! Contact DreamHome if you want to repair or perhaps replace your roof or restore your roof with RoofMaxx from DreamHome (see our Roof Restore page or give us a call for more information).. From leak repairs to complete replacement and rejuvenation, we provide all roofing services!

There are a some issues that you may wait on, but not a leaky roof. Damage from water is a severe issue. On your list of home maintenance needs, a leaking roof should be the top priority. Numerous factors, including poor roof installation, wind or storm damage, and poor maintenance, may cause leaky roofs. Or maybe it's just time to replace your roof. Remember that the majority of roofs are only intended to last 20 to 25 years especially in our volatile DMV area climate. Mold and mildew development is one of the most detrimental long-term effects of a leaky roof. Mold may infect carpets, furniture, and even clothes as it spreads throughout the home's structure, the HVAC system, and the remainder of the house via the vents. The most frequent kind of mold caused by persistent water incursion is black mold. Although harmful black mold development is uncommon, even non-toxic black mold may damage wall and floor coverings, ceiling tiles, and timber frame. Mold is expensive and hard to get rid of. Once mold is established, it continues to create spores, which may cause allergic responses, asthmatic symptoms, and other more significant health issues. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, mold and mildew may cause major health problems, particularly for those with high sensitivity, such as nasal congestion, rhinitis, inflammations, and asthma.

Most people believe that a leaking roof is only a structural issue, but there are really many additional safety and even health issues that may arise. Constant water infiltration will ultimately progress from the attic region to the house's very foundation, resulting in a great deal of expensive damage. The following are some additional ways a roof leak might harm your house:

Increases electricity costs and energy wastage

High utility costs are another consequence of a leaky roof since water entry damages the attic's insulation. Your insulation gets soaked, and drying it out takes a long time. Long-term water infiltration from roof leak repairs can dramatically reduce insulation and cause your house to lose heat and cold air, raising your energy costs. At DreamHome, we install attic insulation and we have seen first hand how the impact of a roof leak can have an impact on this.

Water damage that might catch fire

A leaking roof may create a fire risk if your electrical wiring is located in the attic or ceiling. It is strongly advised to cut off the power to the affected area and have an electrician look it over.

Ceiling and attic damage

The first risks associated with a roof leak are harm to the attic and the objects kept there. The internal ceiling will be harmed if there is no attic or if the leak is large. Affected ceiling plaster may expand and bubble, and the ceiling paint may discolor. The neighboring walls' paint and plaster will also be harmed by the leaky water. Fans and lighting that hang from the ceiling may also sustain harm.

Structural integrity compromise

The damage to the rafters, ceiling joists, wall structure, and even fascia boards and outside trim may result from a leaky roof, which is the most evident effect. Chronic roof leaks cause wood to deteriorate, and weak, decaying roof framework results in major issues that call for skilled contractor help. If water seeps into wall and ceiling joists, you could also need to spend a lot of money on pricey wood structure repairs. Water-damaged wood that is soft and fragile may result in peeled paint, ruined ceilings, and bowed wall coverings. If there is a significant and persistent roof leak, structural damage is unavoidable. This implies that a sizable portion of the deteriorating ceiling might cave in and collapse, devastating everything below. Roof leaks should never be ignored, to put it simply. If you suspect any water infiltration, get in touch with a dependable, qualified roofing contractor like DreamHome right away.

Repeatedly getting up on your roof to remove vegetation can harm it and reduce its lifespan by loosening the granules in your tiles. Therefore, it is best to learn how to correctly clean your roof so that you can ensure you don't need to do it too frequently. In light of this, what are the best techniques for clearing a roof of moss and algae growth? Read on for our top advice on cleaning your asphalt shingle roof!

Can I use a pressure washer?

Use of a pressure washer can significantly harm your roof by loosening the shingles. Instead we recommend you use a sprayer connected to a garden hose that is loaded equally with laundry strength liquid chlorine bleach and water to clean surfaces. Spray the mixture over the roof and let it rest there for 15 to 20 minutes before thoroughly cleaning with clean water. When it comes to cleaning a roof with asphalt shingles, this method is the fine but but will likely not produce perfect results.

Will this impact my landscaping?

Watch out for your landscaping and the spaces around it because the bleach solution can damage them. Thoroughly wet your plants and bushes with ordinary water before covering them with plastic. After putting the bleach solution on your roof, rinse your plants again.

How many times can I do this?

Trying to reapply the solution again in the hopes that it would instantly clear the growth from your roof is not a good idea. We recommend exercising patience. During consecutive downpours, the algae will wash away, and the moss will ultimately become loose enough to be blown away with a leaf blower.

Does the weather impact when I should or shouldn't clean my roof?

Avoid cleaning your roof on a sunny day since the bleach solution will evaporate too rapidly and have less of an impact on cleaning the surface. We recommend you clean your roof on a cloudy, quiet day when there is no chance of precipitation and no wind.

What else should I look out for?

Take care to not perform a roof cleaning without taking the necessary safety measures.

  • Clean your roof only after ensuring that it is safe for you to do so
  • You should contact a professional if the slope is too steep for you to readily navigate or if your home has more than one story
  • If you do decide to climb up onto your roof, make sure to put on eye and skin protection and wear comfortable shoes with grippy rubber soles
  • Trim back overhanging branches to allow sunlight to reach the roof. If necessary, use a leaf blower to sweep the roof's surfaces of debris like branches and leaves. Maintaining clean gutters will help keep roofs as dry as possible

Please take note that our cleaning advice is only applicable to asphalt shingles. It's crucial to verify with your manufacturer if you have a different kind of roof to learn how to clean it. No matter what kind of shingles you have, it's a good idea to ask your manufacturer for advice on how to clean your roof to prevent unintentional damage. Sometimes washing and cleaning a roof is insufficient, or the cleaning can reveal more significant problems. Give DreamHome a call if that describes your case, and we'll evaluate your roof for free and go over your options.

The first line of defense against the weather is your roof. Your roof's biggest enemy is certainly the wind, but it also faces threats from electrical fires, fallen branches, heavy snowfall, moisture intrusions, and damage from vermin like squirrels that can get into your attic and establish a home. Not to mention hail and wind storms that reek havoc on otherwise perfect good roofs. The good news is that you undoubtedly have homeowners insurance if you own a home. If you have coverage, it is because you have previously received approval for a policy. When it comes to coverage insurance companies should want to help the policy holder but often they also are minimizing their risk, insurance companies are highly stringent. They won't offer coverage for a home with an outdated, worn out roof. One of the most important components of a home that can be insured, in the eyes of insurance providers, is the roof. You might not be able to purchase or renew coverage if your roof is 15 or 20 years old. If you're looking to replace your roof, call our DreamHome team for a free inspection. When damage occurs and you need to register a claim with your insurance, do it as soon as you can, especially if the damage was brought on by a devastating storm in which case you'll want to submit your claim before others because thousands of individuals may be doing the same.

A Remark on Warranties

Insurance is not the same as a warranty. A warranty is typically included with any goods or services you purchase. Even though an extended warranty could be sold separately, it is frequently included in the price. When it comes to roof problems, warranties normally do not cover the cost of repair or replacement if they were brought on by strong winds, hail, fire, lightning, earthquakes, carelessness, or structural flaws. Instead, they usually only cover defects and atypical wear. This is why homes insurance is required, regardless of whether you purchased a full-system warranty, a labor-only warranty, or a materials-only warranty from a prior roof replacement operation.

How to File an Insurance Claim:

Step 1: Locate a Reputable Roofing Contractor Like DreamHome
In several states, roofing firms must be certified by the state. Choose one of those recognized companies if you reside in such a state. The claims process will get more difficult if you don't! Your overall experience will also be improved if you choose a contractor who uses roofing software. Your contractor can use this software to upload photos of the damaged portion of your roof to your profile and they can keep insurance details on file for easy access. If you have any available, you can also send us plans of your house electronically and it can be stored in your profile as well. Additionally, because your tech-savvy contractor can take measurements using aerial and satellite photography, fewer trips to your house will be necessary. Images from above your home can reveal damage you might have missed.

Step 2: Have Your Roof Inspection Performed by DreamHome
Arrange for the contractor to visit and check your roof in order to verify and record the damage. In order to "create a case" for adequate roof repairs, they will take a ton of pictures.

Step 3: Make Any Necessary Repairs
If interim repairs are required to safeguard your home from additional damage, ask your roofer to make them. The homeowner is responsible for carrying out this task, but you should keep the supply receipts so you can submit them for reimbursement by your insurance provider at a later time. Getting a contractor to perform a preliminary inspection is always a wise move because it will confirm the findings of the insurance adjuster. If the contractor hasn't previously submitted the necessary papers to your insurance company on your behalf, they can do so at this point.

Step 4: Arrange for an Insurance Adjuster to Visit
Contact your insurance provider as soon as your roofing contractor verifies the damage. The adjuster should visit your property within a few days. When the adjuster is scheduled to come to your premises to conduct the inspection, let your contractor know. At that point, your contractor might want to meet with both you and the adjuster. Encourage your contractor to attend if required. It is crucial that they are there to identify damaged and problematic regions.

Step 5: Take Notes
Take down some information when the adjuster is with you, such as the adjuster's name, the date and time of the visit, and the claim number. You will be able to share specifics about your claim with the insurance company more quickly and conveniently thanks to this. Don't be afraid to ask some questions either... having an experienced contractor with you can provide aid in this process.
Questions you as the homeowner can ask:
Is the damage mentioned covered by my policy's terms?
What is the estimated processing time for the claim?

Step 6: Repair Rstimate From Insurance
The insurance provider will provide a repair estimate and the amount of money required to pay for repairs or a new roof. Your contractor will work with the insurance company to ensure that everyone is aware of the extent of work after the adjuster has inspected your property and the insurance company has approved any necessary roof work.

Step 7: The Job Starts
Your roofer will decide when work should start and will order all necessary supplies. The project will begin before these materials are delivered to your residence. The work must be finished by your contractor in accordance with the timetable they established with you and the insurance provider.

Step 8: The Payment Process
The roofing contractor is often compensated after the job is finished. The settlement payment from the insurance company will often be made out to you and the mortgage lender if you have a mortgage on your house. As a result, the insurance check is equally available to mortgage lenders. They take this action to guarantee that the building receives the required repairs. After all, your home is in the financial interest of your mortgage company. Therefore, the cheque will need to be endorsed by the mortgage company or bank. The money is typically placed in an escrow account by the lender, who then pays for the repairs as they are finished.

Step 9: What About Additional Costs? The
contractor will then send an invoice to your insurance company for any additional costs required for the work they performed on your behalf. The deductible and any elected upgrades would be your only out of pocket expenses.

Step 10: Your Mortgage Provider Inspection
After the job is finished, your mortgage company might send a representative to look at it.

Last Things to Consider:

Roofing specialists can only apply expertise on how damages are evaluated and valued. They have no influence over issues pertaining to insurance policies. If there is a problem with the insurance coverage, the adjuster and the homeowner must resolve it. Overall, both your insurance provider and your roofing contractor want your new roof to be of the finest possible quality, and the insurance coverage should reflect that. The insurance provider has no desire to settle another claim the following time a severe weather event occurs. The same is true of a trustworthy contractor like DreamHome, who guarantees to stand behind their job.

In addition, if you own your home outright and don't owe any money on your mortgage, you may have chosen to forgo homeowners insurance. However, you could still be able to submit a claim if your roof was harmed as a result of a disaster if you sign up for Federal Disaster Relief at Temporary accommodation, house repairs, and other disaster-related costs may be covered by federal aid.

Finally, after any natural disaster, keep an eye out for scams. It's hard to imagine that someone would try to take advantage of homeowners in a pinch, but it does happen. Be wary of interacting with anyone who knocks on your door and offers to make repairs or who says they are an insurance adjuster. Many door knockers are not what they seem. if they are not able to provide references of local homeowners who they have helped, this should be a red flag!

Sadly, the roof is a frequently overlooked component of the home. You probably won't notice anything happening up there unless it begins to leak or disintegrate. However, the National Roofing Contractors Association advises frequent assessment for any issues twice a year. Ask a friend or member of your family for assistance if you have a fear of

heights. Alternately, a local roofer can perform an inspection.

What to look out for:

  • Broken, loose, or cracked shingles
  • Shingles missing
  • Sinking or dips in the roof
  • Indications of water leaks or damage
  • Voids or dark areas

A bi-annual examination should identify minor issues before they grow into leaks or catastrophic roof failures. The roof needs to be maintained, and visual inspections should be done frequently. Instead of dealing with a collapsed roof and substantial damage, it is worth it to be proactive and end up paying for a repair instead. Sometimes, a complete replacement may be required depending on the materials used to cover the roof. Unless the roof is composed of concrete; regular checks for cracks and other damage are all that are required. As for tile roofs, they will last a very long time before needing to be completely replaced.

According to the material used, the following is the suggested replacement schedule in general:

  • Shingle age range: 12 to 20 years
  • Roofing Asphalt: 15–30 years
  • 20–25 years for wood shingles
  • 30–50 years for rubber roofs
  • 50 to 75 years for metal roofs

These advised times will change based on the environment that the roof is exposed to. The materials may deteriorate more quickly in harsh winters and humid climates. It is wise to have DreamHome come out and get up on the roof after a major storm or strong winds to look for any damage. Keep an eye on it and make sure it is structurally sound because the roof is crucial for protecting your house and your belongings. To guarantee that your roof is operating at its best, get in touch with DreamHome if you're looking for a skilled roof inspection

Have you noticed any shingles in your yard? How about the primary indicator of a failing roof, like the dreaded leaks or water stains on your ceiling?

You are not alone if you indicated yes to any of these questions. DreamHome has been in business in Virginia and Maryland for over 20 years so we've been asked several times what the answers to these issues are.

To save damage, repair expenses, and potential health risks, keep an eye out for these obvious indicators of a roof leak:

1. Ceiling and wall stains from water

Do your ceiling and walls have any brown, yellow, or barely noticeable stains? Most likely, a leaking roof is at blame. Although they might be in the corners or along an outside wall, these water spots are typically seen in the middle of the room. It's important to fix the problem if water has seeped into your walls and ceilings to avoid mold growth, rotten frame work, and ceiling damage. To locate the problem area and do a comprehensive repair, speak with a nearby roofing specialist. According to Lenny Scarola, owner of DreamHome in Springfield, Va, "Water will typically travel across the top of the sheetrock or plaster until it hits the lowest spot, and there is where the water will show. Because the weight of the light fixture somewhat pulls down the drywall, this frequently results in water entering light fixtures. To stop the power from flowing, just turn off the fixture and make an appointment with us.

2. Exterior walls with mold

If mold is developing on an outside wall, your roof is definitely leaking. Determine how distant the mold area is from a door or a corner using a measuring tape. To find the offender, measure the same distance on the outside of the wall. You've probably discovered the source of the issue if the terrain slopes toward the home or if a downspout empties close to a wall. Your approach to resolve the problem can be assisted by a roofer.

3. Sagging

A roof leak is probably to blame if you see or hear dripping in your attic or anyplace else in your home. You should inspect the leak even if it doesn't constantly exist to make sure it doesn't worsen. You can have an ice dam that resulted from the freezing and thawing of ice and snow. Even sporadic leaks have a tremendous impact.

Although there may be different methods, your roof can usually be fixed. There are times, though, when replacing your roof is your only choice. How can you tell which one is best for you, though? Fortunately, we have you covered. Since 1999, the staff at DreamHome has offered roof repair and replacement services to Virginia and Maryland homeowners. With integrity and a long history of producing work of the highest caliber, we work hard to provide you a unique experience uncommon in the roofing industry. You won't have to worry about your roof when you deal with us.

There are a few things you need to think about before deciding whether you need a new roof or repairs. Knowing your roof's age, how long you want to live in your house, and other factors might help you decide if it's time to replace your roof.

When selecting whether to repair or replace your asphalt shingle roof, there are many factors to take into account, and the age of your roof is one of the most crucial ones. If you are unclear of the age of your roof, DreamHome can estimate for you how long it will last.

The lifespan of three-tab shingles in the lowest price range is 15 to 20 years. Architectural shingles of greater quality and weight may withstand winds of 130 mph for up to many more years.

Several indicators of an outdated roof include:

  • Curling or buckling shingles
  • Bald Shingles
  • There are no shingles in some areas
  • Your roof is drooping and covered in moss
  • Blisters on the shingles
  • Excessive granules in the gutters

Make sure to request visits from DreamHome so you may speak with us. In several of the properties we've seen, the owners were informed that their roofs needed to be replaced even if though didn't. There are those who will sell you a roof whether you need it or not, no matter how old or how damaged your current r

Have your roof inspected for free by DreamHome if you want an honest answer to whether or not you need to replace your roof.

If after our inspection everything appears to be in order, we would strongly advise that you enroll in a routine maintenance program where a professional climbs onto your roof at least once a year, if not twice. This will guarantee that your roof is used to its best potential.

If you intend to sell your house in the near future and your roof is damaged or unsightly, it will be difficult to do so. In this situation, replacing your roof can be your best choice. Your home will sell more quickly once you list it on the market thanks to the new roof's curb appeal. You will receive around 68% of the replacement cost when you sell.

An economical solution to any issues you are experiencing will be to repair your roof rather than replace it. These fixes can help an older roof last longer and get you by until it's time to remove the old one and install a new one.

If you see any of the following, you should think about having your roof repaired:

  • Chimney Leaks, Pipe Leaks, and Boot Leaks
  • Lack of shingles
  • Workmanship Mistakes
  • Popped nails
  • Fascia Replacement
  • Holes and punctures
  • Blistering and Cracking
  • Tree Injury
  • Weather harm
  • Lost Granules
  • Insufficient upkeep
  • Issues With Ventilation

It might be challenging to match shingle colors for a roof repair. Because of the sun, shingles will gradually begin to brighten. Therefore, it may be challenging to match a replacement shingle. It is quite difficult to match the colors of your previous shingles to the new shingles and if done incorrectly, will result in an ugly curb appeal that your neighbors will also see. Roof repair work is very technical, and it requires a specialist to complete it correctly. Untrained individuals have the potential to do far more harm than is presently present. Call our DreamHome team so our professionals can help you get the job done right.

Repairing and rejuvenating a roof with RoofMaxx from DreamHome is far less expensive than replacing one. Your roof has certain parts that don't endure as long as the overall roof system. Roof rejuvenation extends the life of your roof by 5 years! Ask us if there are any repairs you can make rather than replacing it. If there is no need to replace it, do a repair to extend the life of your roof. It's that easy.

The amount of wear and tear, age, the caliber of the installation, and the likelihood of future damage to your property all affect when you should replace your roof.

The benefits and drawbacks of replacements are listed below if you require a full replacement.


A new roof improves the curb appeal of your house.

40% of your home's exterior appeal comes from a new roof. Your home will attract attention based on its curb appeal, either favorably or unfavorably. It will fall into the category of something positive with a replacement. The house would appear to have been built more recently if you replace an old, worn-out roof. In addition to giving you years of worry-free living, the replacement will also make your house the most attractive on your block.

You'll have peace of mind after a roof replacement.

When you replace your roof, you won't need to continuously check the weather at home before leaving town. When you go back through the door, there won't be any messes or leaks to meet you. That's mental tranquility!


Roof replacements are frequently quite loud.

Many individuals choose to stay in their homes while having their roof rebuilt. They are unaware of just how noisy the shingle installation will truly be inside the house. We recommend making travel arrangements to leave the house while the shingles are being placed due to the noise levels. While replacing your roof, you might wish to leave your dogs or cats at home. The loud sounds of a roof replacement can be stressful for pets. Dogs often recover quite fast, but we've seen cats go missing for days. You might want to think about leaving them with a friend or at a dog or cat daycare while the job is being done.

Many roofing firms will not perform a very good job of cleanup after replacing your roof.

90% of home roof replacement work is often completed by roofers, who then move on to their next project after receiving the payment you cut for them. Where are the final 10%? When a roofer completes a project, the final 10% should be spent on inspection and cleanup. If the cleaning isn't done correctly, there will be nails in the yard, trash in your bushes, and flat tires for your family and visitors everywhere because of nails in the driveway. Additionally, it gives your attic a war-torn appearance. Your Christmas decorations and any other valuables you have stored in your attic will be covered with debris if the roofer you hire doesn't throw down plastic or a tarp over everything in there. This is why it is so important to hire a skilled roofing company with hundreds of positive reviews: like DreamHome.

Do your homework before hiring a roofing company to come assess your roof. Learn what a roofer or salesman will be conveying to you so that you may prepare the appropriate questions.

Remember, not all roofing contractors have local offices, and the state of Virginia and Maryland does require licensing but not that you have a physical location. Therefore, confirm that anybody you use has a license, bond, and insurance.

Additionally, you should educate yourself to avoid being duped and having to replace your roof when it still has a lot of useful life remaining in it. Carefully look through the evaluations of each firm to find one that best suits your requirements and responds to your inquiries. At DreamHome, we offer roof repairs, roof rejuvenation, and roof replacements, because we believe not all roofs are the same, so not all solutions should be the same. This is why we offer personalized solutions for all your roofing needs.

Your roof is ultimately responsible for safeguarding your family, possessions, and you. The fact is, unless your roof is inspected, you won't know what it requires. Get an honest, free inspection from DreamHome today.

Roofing Insights, a long time friend and partner of DreamHome analyzed 11 different brands for this shingle guide, including:

  • Atlas Pinnacle Pristine
  • CertainTeed Landmark
  • GAF Timberline HDZ
  • Owens Corning TruDefinition Duration
  • BP Vanguard
  • PABCO Premier
  • TAMKO Heritage
  • Malarkey Highlander
  • Malarkey Vista
  • IKO Dynasty
  • IKO Cambridge

Based on nine different categories of characteristics, each brand of shingles was assigned a score between 1 and 5, including:

  • Weight of the packaging Nailing zone
  • Pulling test
  • True protection
  • Consistency
  • Credibility of manufacturer
  • Lost granules
  • Positive feedback
  • Packaging


The packing of shingles is crucial because it safeguards the shingle's quality during transportation from the factory where it was made to a homeowner's roof. The majority of brands have adequate packaging, while TAMKO Heritage, IKO Cambridge, and IKO Dynasty had poorer packaging. This is due to the fact that the packaging for the IKO and TAMKO items had a hole on the outside. Each maker said that the purpose of this design was to let go of any trapped moisture inside the packaging, but the issue was that as moisture was departing the package, it was simultaneously coming in through the same opening. Roofing Insights discovered during the packing test that moisture had seeped into IKO and TAMKO shingles, generating wetness that had an impact on the shingles.

  • Score (1-5 rating)
  • TAMKO Heritage 3.06 4
  • IKO Cambridge 3.57 5
  • IKO Dynasty 3.38 5
  • Owens Corning Duration 3.06 4
  • GAF Timberline HDZ 3.06 4
  • Atlas Pinnacle 3.89 5
  • CertainTeed Landmark
  • 3.41 5
  • BP Vanguard 3.79 5
  • PABCO Premier 3.86 5
  • Malarkey Highlander 3.22 4
  • Malarkey Vista 3.42 5

*Please note that not all brands contain the same amount of shingles in a bundle. BP Vanguard 3.79 5 PABCO Premier 3.86 5 Malarkey 3.41 5 Weight is calculated per shingle rather than per bundle as a result.


Because they can survive the elements better, heavier and thicker shingles are valued more highly in the roofing industry. However, some producers like lighter shingles because they can reduce production and shipping expenses.

No shingle examined by Roofing Insights proved to be significantly underweight, however the company discovered that the Atlas Pinnacle, BP Vanguard, CertainTeed Landmark, Malarkey Vista, PABCO Premier, and both the IKO Cambridge and IKO Dynasty best represented the appropriate weight for shingles.

The Area of Shingle Nailing

This describes the location on the shingle where the nails that will fasten the shingles to the roof should be inserted by roofers. While some manufacturers make it simple to maneuver within the nailing zone, others make it more challenging. The nailing zones on both Malarkey products, as well as the IKO Dynasty were good. Owens Corning was extremely good. TAMKO Heritage and PABCO Premier, on the other hand, both received a 2 for their unimpressive nailing zones.

Shingle Pull Examination

Pull tests are opposed by certain roofers who contend they do not accurately mimic the impacts of hail or windstorms. However, other roofing professionals are in favor of the pull test. In any case, all of the manufacturers who participated in this exercise received good marks, with perfect scores being recorded by Atlas, IKO Dynasty, and again Owens Corning performed excellent.

Checking For Complete Shingle Coverage

It's crucial to keep in mind that a square doesn't necessarily equal three bundles of shingles. Because not every manufacturer packs the same number of shingles into each bundle, this occurs. Some manufacturers include more shingles, while others offer less. Contractors might save money if a manufacturer packs more shingles into each bundle. In that regard, BP, Atlas, and both IKO shingles deserve special recognition for their contributions to this category. Atlas, IKO, and BP are options for contractors that want to get the most of their budget.

Shingle Regularity

Due to the fact that not all packages include the same number of shingles, this is another contentious category. Roofing Insights counted each shingle in a bundle to identify the manufacturer that offered the most consistent product in this area. Nearly half of the shingle producers consistently put the same number of shingles in a bundle, according to the results, which were nearly 50/50. Please be informed that consistency is taken into account while determining the weight of shingles. For instance, if one brand of shingles only contains 18 pieces and another brand contains 22, the brand with more pieces will weigh more overall, even though they are not actually heavier. This was addressed by Roofing Insights, which measured each brand per shingle rather than per bundle.

Manufacturer's Reputation for Shingles

Some firms improved their products over the past year, while others did not. IKO is one company that significantly improved its shingles over the previous year, but other businesses continue to produce the same caliber of goods year after year. For instance, PABCO and TAMKO frequently fail to enhance their goods, which is why they consistently place close to the bottom of this assessment. While PABCO and TAMKO are not bad shingles, their product also lags far behind that of the other big shingle manufacturers. With shingles, customers frequently get what they pay for.

Loss of Shingle Granules

The more granules a shingle loses, the lower its quality rating will be, making this another critical aspect. Shingles that lose a lot of their granules have a tendency to clog gutters and provide insufficient roof protection. This year, PABCO Premier received a one-star rating for losing 6 grams of granules during the test. However, very little granule loss was observed by BP and Owens Corning, earning these businesses a five-star rating.

Manufacturers of Shingles Receive Comments

The final criterion for the 2021 Shingle Guide evaluates which manufacturers invited comments from contractors on their shingles. Surprisingly, while customers can always give a roofing firm internet reviews, few manufacturers actually let customer reviews to be seen by the general public on directories like Facebook and Google. Malarkey received a poor grade this year because they continue to restrict internet reviews. Atlas, PABCO, and BP all permitted public evaluation of their shingles at the same time. This is a testament to the executives of those businesses, many of whom seem open to receiving feedback that can be used to enhance their offerings. Now, it is hoped that more contractors will feel at ease rating items and that manufacturers won't conceal behind legalese to block reviews of their shingles.

Final results

The Atlas Pinnacle and IKO Dynasty and Owens Corning Duration achieved the high grades after Roofing Insights spent hours carefully evaluating each type of shingles

However, it should be noted that every contractor has a favorite brand of shingles, and that due to distribution choices, not every brand is offered in every region. With the exception of PABCO Premier and TAMKO Heritage, two shingles that still need to develop and catch up to their rivals, Roofing Insights wholeheartedly recommends every shingle on this list. While it is true that not all shingles are created equal; nothing is more important than choosing the correct contractor to install them. The combination of DreamHome's expertise and the fact that we are an Owens Corning Platinum Preferred contractor will top any list.